Pop-up email Customers show up as Not Subscribed in Shopify
Snug Team
When Rivo/Tydal pop-up form is submitted with a valid email, a new customer entry is created in Shopify with the flag: TYDAL Popups ‑ Email Pop ups created this customer. However, they are classified as "Not Subscribed". Rivo Pop-up interface shows them as "subscribed". Anyone experiencing the same issue and has a solution? Obviously these customers are giving their marketing consent for emails by submitting an email pop-up form.
Lars Gonser
We're having the same issue. As a result, these subscribers also do not participate in automatic email newsletters.
Jackson & Young Ltd
We are having this same problem, has anyone managed to resolve it?
Dimitrije Simic
same here, it needs to be fixed
Atenti Bags
Me too! And I am sure it subscribed them before.
Isabella Trillo
Yes. im experiencing the same thing